couple therapy

most of us aren’t taught how to be in relationship. we fall in love and build a life without ever really developing a vision of where we are going or how we are going to get there together.

instead, we find ourselves muddling through the messiness of trying to meet the needs of another without losing ourselves. we butt heads, hit walls, ignore, avoid, yell, run away, shut down, and grasp. ultimately, we end up feeling disconnected — left alone, not good enough, unwanted, or misunderstood.

relationships, though, have the ability to be an experience of profound safety, healing, and care. when you learn who you and your partner really are and what you both really need, you develop the ability to do what is best for your relationship without doing so at the expense of you. ultimately, there is space for both individuals to be fully themselves without having to risk disconnection.

in a secure relationship you learn to cultivate safety, express yourselves wholly, and create solutions that work for you, your partner, and your relationship.

the PACT approach

i support couples in building a secure-functioning, collaborative, connected relationship particularly through periods of distress using the Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy (PACT).

PACT integrates attachment theory, neurobiology, and somatic principles to help couples develop a procedure of relationship that prioritizes mutual care, shared authority, and fairness.

in sessions couples learn to attune deeply to one another — noticing, moment-to-moment, their partner’s gestures, body language, how they process information, what they expect. as you develop an understanding of who you and your partner really are and what you both really need, you begin to recognize what moves, such as a soft-gaze or hand on the arm, keep you both present and supported through hard conversations. you become experts in one another and in your self which allows you to work together on challenges that arise in your relationship rather than trying to work on each other.

to learn more about the PACT approach, check out The PACT Institute.


  • i offer a free, 15-minute consultation call prior to scheduling an intake so that we may learn a bit about each other and so i may answer any lingering questions you have. please contact me to arrange for a consultation call.

  • i work with two-person couples meeting weekly for the benefit of consistent engagement and change. frequency may change as work progresses.

  • sessions are conducted via telehealth. i encourage couples to join virtual sessions from the same location. no in person appointments are available at this time.

  • sessions are 75 minutes in length. all couple intake sessions are 100 minutes.


75min session for $245

100min intake session for $300


i accept payment only through out of pocket, private pay.